The Youth Coffee Philharmonic Orchestra, attached to Fundación Cafeteritos and Comfamiliar Risaralda, has worked in the Colombian coffee region on musical training in the symphonic area, with young people of different socio-economic origins and ages from 12 years. Since 2013, the Musical Residences have been held in the Coffee Region in the Consotá Park of Comfamiliar Risaralda with the purpose of promoting music as a life option for young people who participate in our activities and an effective way to share and inspire the population that surrounds them.
For this reason, we open the call for the X International Music Residency- Coffee Region, which will consist of activities such as master classes, partial, sectional and general rehearsals, chamber music ensembles and full orchestra. Additionally, it will have the participation of national and international directors and soloists.
This call is open to all musicians interested in participating in the Residency, which will take place from December 10 to 21, 2023 at the Parque Consotá facilities, in the city of Pereira.
Registration is free.
For more information click here